Here are the resources I recommend to everyone as an affiliate:
Clickfunnels- you can use this to create revenue for your own products or services or you can become an affiliate for clickfunnels and make monthly residual income. I like clickfunnels because of all the training and resources provided and because it has helped so many people do millions in sales.
School of Magic & Miracles- Your energy attracts or repels what you desire. It's important to have the tools to keep your energy and vibration high and to be around high vibe people. That's what the school of magic and miracles is for.
The Core Encounter- Have bad experiences in your past, find it difficult to move forward, or even decide what you want? This is a way to dive into yourself and learn why you haven't been able to create the life you've been wanting or change what you've been wanting to change.
Life App- The life app gives you education and discounts for getting your financial life in order.
Once you sign up for clickfunnels, I recommend going through Stephen Larson's free affiliate outrage, Rachel Lee's free training, and doing the 30 day challenge next time it is offered.